What Makes a Good Corporate Video?

A good corporate video effectively communicates the intended message, engages the target audience, and aligns with the company's brand identity. Here are key elements that make a corporate video stand out:

1. Clear Objective and Purpose

  • Defined Goals: Establish clear objectives for the video, whether it’s to promote a product, explain a service, introduce the company, or train employees.

  • Target Audience: Understand who the video is for and tailor the content to meet their needs and preferences.

2. Engaging Storytelling

  • Compelling Narrative: Use a strong narrative to captivate viewers. A good story has a beginning, middle, and end, and often includes elements like conflict, resolution, and emotion.

  • Relatable Content: Create scenarios and messages that resonate with the audience’s experiences and aspirations.

3. High Production Quality

  • Professional Visuals: Ensure high-quality visuals with good lighting, clear focus, and appropriate camera angles. Use professional-grade equipment for the best results.

  • Clear Audio: Invest in quality audio recording equipment. Clear and crisp sound is crucial for keeping the audience engaged and ensuring the message is understood.

4. Strong Branding

  • Consistent Style: Use colors, fonts, and visual elements consistent with your brand. This reinforces brand identity and makes the video instantly recognizable.

  • Brand Voice: Ensure the tone and style of the video align with the company’s brand voice, whether it’s formal, casual, friendly, or authoritative.

5. Engaging Visuals and Graphics

  • Dynamic Graphics: Use animations, motion graphics, and visual effects to illustrate key points and maintain viewer interest.

  • B-Roll Footage: Incorporate relevant B-roll footage to add depth and context to the narrative, keeping the video visually stimulating.

6. Concise and Focused Content

  • Brevity: Keep the video concise and to the point. Aim for a length that maintains viewer attention while effectively delivering the message, typically between 1 to 3 minutes.

  • Focused Messaging: Avoid overloading the video with too much information. Focus on key messages and deliver them clearly and succinctly.

7. Emotional Connection

  • Human Element: Include real people, such as employees, customers, or leaders, to add a human touch and foster a connection with the audience.

  • Emotional Appeal: Tap into emotions like joy, inspiration, trust, or empathy to make the content more memorable and impactful.

8. Strong Call to Action (CTA)

  • Clear Direction: End with a clear and compelling call to action, directing viewers on what to do next, whether it’s visiting a website, contacting the company, or purchasing a product.

  • Ease of Action: Make it easy for viewers to follow through on the CTA by providing necessary links, contact information, or instructions.

9. Effective Use of Music and Sound

  • Appropriate Music: Choose background music that complements the video’s tone and enhances the viewing experience without overpowering the main message.

  • Sound Effects: Use sound effects judiciously to highlight important points and add to the overall impact of the video.

Example Application:

  • Case Study: A healthcare company creates a corporate video to introduce a new telemedicine service. The video features a clear narrative showing how the service works, testimonials from satisfied patients, and interviews with company leaders. High production quality, engaging visuals, and a consistent brand style are maintained throughout. The video ends with a compelling call to action, encouraging viewers to sign up for a consultation via the company’s website.


A good corporate video combines clear objectives, engaging storytelling, high production quality, and strong branding to effectively communicate its message. By focusing on these key elements, companies can create impactful videos that resonate with their audience, reinforce their brand, and achieve their business goals.


What is a Corporate Video?


Why Corporate Video is Important